Due to the situation with regard to the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic in Europe, we unfortunately must cancel the Berlin Demography Forum, the European Demography Forum and the Global Demography Forum from the 23rd to the 25th March 2020.
However, we can already announce that we will only postpone these events. According to plan, the Berlin Demography Days will now be held from 22nd to the 24th March 2021, and we would like to ask you to make a note of this date in your calendar.
Programme 2020
Monday, 23 March 2020, WissenschaftsForum Berlin am Gendarmenmark (Markgrafenstraße 37, 10117 Berlin)
13.00– 16.30 Uhr |
Round Tables 1 – 3 (on invitation) |
Round Table 1:
Jetzt werden die Baby-Boomer Rentnerinnen und Rentner — drohen uns neue Generationenkonflikte?
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus Hurrelmann |
Round Table 2:
Jetzt werden die Baby-Boomer Rentnerinnen und Rentner — welche Chancen und Risiken ergeben sich am Übergang zwischen beruflicher und nachberuflicher Lebensphase?
Prof. Dr. Stefan Liebig |
Round Table 3:
Die Babyboomer erreichen das Ruhestandsalter: Auswirkungen auf informelle Sorgetätigkeiten und freiwilliges Engagement?
Prof. Dr. Clemens Tesch-Römer |
Montag, 23. März 2020, Leibniz-Saal der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Markgrafenstraße 38, 10117 Berlin)
17.00 – 18.30 Uhr
Panel Discussion
„The Baby Boomers are Retiring – Chances and Challenges for Generational Fairness“ |
19.00 Uhr
Celebratory evening event
Grußwort: BM Dr. Franziska Giffey (tbc)
Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
Keynote: Dubravka Šuica
Professor Jane C. Falkingham: Laudatory Speech
European Demographer Awards 2020 |
European Demography Forum
Demography, democracy and the welfare state
Tuesday, 24 March 2020, WissenschaftsForum Berlin, Markgrafenstr. 37, 10117 Berlin
The event will be held in English.
The program can be found here.
Global Demography Forum
New challenges require new data. The experience of the Global South
Wednesday, 25 March 2020, WissenschaftsForum Berlin, Markgrafenstr. 37, 10117 Berlin
The event will be held in English.
The program can be found here.