Programme 2017
Agenda 6th Berliner Demography Forum 2017 “Learning and Integration”
Wednesday, 15th February 2017, at ESMT (Schlossplatz 1, Berlin)
3.30 – 5.00 pm
Workshop „Integration of older individuals in the labor market: Global perspectives”
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Börsch-Supan, Director, Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy; Munich Center for the Economics of Aging
International Longevity Centres:
Brian Beach (United Kingdom)
Dr. Didier Halimi (France)
Felizia Hanemann (Germany)
Frank Schalkwijk (The Netherlands)
Prof. Dr. Ursula Staudinger (USA)
Dr. Daisuke Watanabe (Japan)
Wednesday, 15th February 2017, at Allianz Forum (Pariser Platz 6, Berlin)
7.00 pm
Opening of the 6th Berliner Demography Forum by Dr. Manfred Knof, Chairman, Allianz Deutschland AG and Ulrich Lilie, President Diakonie Deutschland
7.15 pm
Keynote Address by
Hermann Gröhe, Federal Ministry of Health
7.30 pm
Welcoming speeches
Prof. Dr. Zsolt Spéder, President Population Europe
Prof. Dr. Norbert F. Schneider, Vizepräsident of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Demografie, Germany
7.45 pm
Awards Ceremony for Young Demographers
Prof. Dr. Volker Deville, Allianz Deutschland AG/ University of Bayreuth
8.00 pm
Thursday, 16th February 2017, at ESMT (Schlossplatz 1, Berlin)
8.15 am
Parliamentarian Breakfast with demographic policy speakers from the parliamentary groups of the Bundestag
Petra Crone MdB (SPD)
Michael Frieser MdB (CDU/CSU)
Doris Wagner MdB (Bündnis90/DIE GRÜNEN)
9.30 am
“Setting the Scene”
Prof. Jörg Rocholl, PhD President ESMT, Chairman of the Berlin Demography Forum
Prof. Aderemi O. Kuku, Ph.D., President of the African Academy of Sciences
Elke Ferner, Parlamentarische Staatssekretärin BMFSFJ
10.30 am
International Scientific Panel (in English)
- What might future education and advanced training look like for young men and women?
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Francesco Billari, University of Milan
Prof. Dr. Victoria Büsch, President of the International Management University, Berlin
Prof. Lene Juel Rasmussen, PhD, Managing Director Center for Healthy Aging, University of Copenhagen
Prof. Dr. Martin Seeleib-Kaiser, Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford
Prof. Dr. Ursula Staudinger, Columbia University, New York
Flying Lunch
1.00 pm
Future Skills Panel (in English)
- How should career orientation be changed in order to develop the full potential of the people of Europe?
- What conditions need to be created in order to develop the full potential of people from outside Europe?
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Elsa Fornero, Università di Torino, former Minister of Italy
Walter Hirche, Chairman of Expert Committee on Education, German Commission for UNESCO, former Minister
Prof. Rajshri Jayaraman, PhD; Associate Professor of Economics, ESMT European School of Management and Technology
Dr. Alexandre Kalache, President, International Longevity Centre Brazil
Elmar Stracke, London School of Economics, Young Expert
3.00 pm
Disputation (in German)
- Could education stop the polarisation of society?
Moderator: Birgit Wentzien, Deutschlandfunk Editor-in-chief
Prof. Dr. Peter Dabrock, Chair of the German Ethics Council
Katrin Göring-Eckardt, MdB, Vorsitzende der Bundestagsfraktion Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
Franz Müntefering, Minister and State Secretaries (ret.), Germany
Thomas Rachel, Parliamentary Secretary of State, Federal Ministry of Education and Research
4.30 pm
Farewell Remarks by Prof. Jörg Rocholl PhD, ESMT President